Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Holy Moly What Are Mow1 Mow2 And Row

Writen by Torre DeVito

The definition of MOW1, MOW2, and ROW in relation to wireless cards may be a little elusive, because these are not protocols or standards, but rather an attempt to create a versatile card that can be used in a large part of the world. These strange appellations pretty much exist as part of wireless card listings in catalogs ads and brochures, as well as on many a website - usually with little or no explanation.

With so many governing and regulatory bodies, the world of wireless is one of ever changing landscapes. Since different countries around the world have different laws and regulations governing the use of wireless cards, manufacturers found it necessary to try to come up with some broad divisions of the cards by physical attributes that would limit the number of different card types. They were rather successful at this by coming up with three wireless card groups that could be used in three roughly contiguous parts of the world.

The three groups were named MOW1, MOW2, and ROW. MOW literally stands for "Most of the World" and is split up into two sets: MOW1 and MOW2. That left the "Rest of the World" and thus the third set of card types were designated ROW.

Cards manufactured for MOW1 could generally be used anywhere in the Americas without running into problems with local regulations. Similarly, MOW2 cards can generally be used in European, Middle Eastern, and African countries, and ROW cards can generally be used in Asian countries.

For more information please visit

Torre DeVito is a writer of technical information, fiction, and poetry. His personal website is

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